Expanding Space for Greater Creativity


Hello Dear Artists:

As I write this, I'm on a much needed solo vaca in Carlsbad, CA.

Exhausted from work and stuff, I dove into the first day feeling like I had just got off of a merry-go-round where the ground seemed to be moving faster than me. I spent most of the first day in bed recovering.

The next morning I walked 2 miles (thank you very much) along the magnificent sand and sparkling sea. My mind churned with the laundry list of things I needed to do, emails to return and a bunch of future things to attend to.

Then I remembered that the ocean was there.

I tapped into my senses and tried to stop thinking for a moment as I paid close attention to the light dancing on the waves, the smell of the sea air and the sounds of the birds. I was slightly surprised at my reaction. For some reason it all seemed flat, unimportant and mundane - the ocean just looked like a bunch of water and the sound of birds were loud and slightly annoying.

But as I began to unwind slowly over the next few days, some real realizations began to form.

First realization on the trip: "I have let this go to far". I've been far too busy keeping the daily plates spinning and I haven't stopped enough to spend time doing the things that I love. Answer: Plan ahead and schedule a few hours a week to do some fun creative things that make my heart sing.

Second realization on the trip: "Why am I packing in so much work everyday? This is not working and I don't feel good". Answer: Figure out a better and easier schedule that flows with my personal needs.

Third realization on the trip. "I have some deep work to do about past relationships". Answer: It's now time to spend some time journaling and processing deeper questions when I get back home.

"Time is a great thickener of things".

I love the quote above from the Spielberg movie Lincoln. Whatever is draining you will expand into the future. Whatever uplifts you about living will also expand into the future.

To create a more meaningful and creative life that will expand out before you, do these three things regularly:

  • rest your mind, body and spirt

  • listen to the small whispers that are leading you

  • make changes based on what we hear, feel and need


Exercise: Expanding Space for Greater Creativity

Look around your room, apartment or home where you live. Where is there clutter? In the corners? In your closet? In your garage or car? Set some time aside this week to clear out, re-organize and let go of stuff you don't use anymore.

P.S. There are often sentimental things that once belonged to a lost relative or are attached to an old powerful memory. Think about the love you have for these things and commit to holding this memory in your heart. Then release and let them go where you can.

Creating space in your surroundings triggers your mind and heart to make more space for what is really important to you.

I pulled out a piece I wrote at the end of 2019 before the corona hit. I called it Sacrifice and 2020. Little did I know that letting go of old things would be a mantra for so many over the last year.

Until next time, be kind to yourself and persevere.